We all know how searching for your first longboard easily transforms into never ending quest full of mind boggling terms, tips, buying guides and in-depth guides. Soon you find out that there are different longboards for every purpose, style and terrain. It is good to be informed but don't get lost in information, because you'll forget that trying out your new longboard is supposed to be fun! Well, to tell you the truth it's not as difficult as it seems. I am guessing if you're considering buying your first longboard you want it for transportation and all around fun whether it's a ride to class, work, to the mall or to just cruise around with some friends. You want something with good price and good quality.
That's what we had in mind when we started working on our Neon Rabbit Black Splash board. We wanted to produce a longboard deck that is easy to ride so you can effortlessly cruise around in the sun and after a while, once you get the hang of it, allows you to try and learn some freeriding tricks and carving.
Which means it has to be:
- light and durable,
- somewhat medium length (in the range of 32”-42” are the perfect choice to get moving),
- slightly dropped (for a lower center of gravity so it's more stable and easier to push),
- we chose top-mount so it's easier to carve,
- a concave platform with a small amount of flex.
For our Neon Rabbit longboard decks we use our local Slovenian birch wood and combine it with fiber glass. It took us a while to get the ratio just right with this one to fit all these needs. During this process we made quite a pile of broken decks but at the end got a great result! So here it is, our Neon Rabbit Black Splash longboard deck:
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